New Notes And Quiet Quarters: Wy’s Ways of Wellness

I was responsible for Teach Reaching on the last Sunday in February. We were blessed with lively conversation in “Sisters Sunday School” class so today is an inside Monday as I spend time reflecting on the lessons learned and writing one hundred words. As we dismissed to our hour of worship service , we read these words  in the make it happen section, ” Commit to thanking God for His continual care, protection, and provision, and renew your trust in Him for the wonderful blessings He has in store for believers.” Precepts for Living based on the International Uniform Lessons. Blessings, #WysWaysofWellnessIMG_0073

WWOW: Called and Changed for the Challenge

I opened my newly purchased book about some great pastors and preachers  and was surprised to see that I was included on the pages of this history making book. Mr. Melvin Jones brought to life the essence of the blessed men and women who step out on faith and lead millions of members in the churches daily.

I am proud that my Pastor Reverend Dr. James L. Netters is included and we are the better because of his leadership, friendship and fellowship. I smiled when I saw that the words “Called” were placed above our heads.

WWOW: Working the Plans With Purpose

This is my 100 words on plans and purpose. I was invited to speak at a “Rainbow of Hope” support group as we complete February  and Heart Awareness month. I plan to discuss Heart and Hypertension as I apply it to my book. I looked up the definitions of skies, self, soul and spirit and found some interesting applications. I plan to touch on each part of our lives and how we do things that give us purpose and the best life possible.Dell Self Book Coach and Wy’s Book”Skies of My Self, Soul, and Spirit: Psalms for Delight and Devotion”

WWOW: Fruit Focus and Follow-up

I attended my first Tennessee Senate Commerce and Labor event as the Cancer Treatment Fairness Bill was discussed. This is an important topic for me because it is one of my fruit priorities as an advocate for patient care and quality of life. Today I lit the candle for my GirlMicleslie and celebrated the fact that I was able to speak her name during the trip to and from Nashville and to tell the story of her love of life and her valiant journey with a chronic illness for eighteen years.  I believe in living well all of our lives.IMG_0065

WWOW: Sixteen is a Seven Letter Word


I spent some time with my church fellowship friends (CFF) today as we looked at being a more collaborative group in 2016. I work hard to apply the WWOW factor to my days and I thought about what seven things I had done today to highlight that sixteen is a seven letter word.  These are my seven applications: Prayer, Psalms, People, Promote, Praise, Promise and Prepare. I continue to work the wellness of  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self -control into my days. I remember when GirlMicLeslie was here and my days covered these seven applications well.

WWOW: A Reflection In The Woods

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I am in painful reflection as I survey my self, soul and spirit. I looked on my book shelf to find my theme for today. It came from my compilation book of our family and friends’ letters to my niece, “Merceda’s Touch: Grace for the Grief.” This book was completed in 2009 after Merceda’s death and I still read the letters.  Today it has been five months and twenty days since the death of my daughter, GirlMic,Leslie and I wake up with such a feeling of intense hurt and grief. In my reflection, I declare this writing as my “Grace Day.”

WWOW: When Comfort Comes Day 3 of 12 SAGA Challenges and Choices

IMG_0013I am sending thanks every way I can for the wonderful people who have entered into our living via my GirlMic/Leslie and Son in Law Greg. Thanks to Pastor and Minister Sammie and Addie Holloway at Breath of Life Christian Center for the wonderful comfort and  the beautiful Church hospitality and plant. The members and the ministries were such a blessing to us.  We will always cherish these memories that you shared with us. My Son Doug and grand daughter Bree are enjoying the gift as they remember your kindness. I leave with these words: Psalm 103: …… Forget not all His benefits

WWOW: A Queen’s World filled with Love

Today I felt like a queen and this is why I rejoice. My son brought over a beautiful card with the words “I thank God for you.” The candy gift was a reminder of the importance of having love  center our choices.  I smile as I remember!