WWOW: I Will Surthrive!

I woke up at 03:00, looked out the window and found four inches and I really need you to understand that I will not be complaining and crying on your shoulders of heavy snows persons who look down on our barely iced streets.

Well I have already looked at every neighborhood in my city with all these facebook twitterings so you get no snow pictures from me today. Instead since it is a throw back Thursday and I have failed with the reblog Wednesday crowd. I will just rehash a poem that was published in Senior Magazine in 2005. I am going to tag it with everyone of the tags so if you get this message on a butterfly , write back and tell me how to do reblog Wednesday effectively. http://www.wyswoods.wordspress.com. Yet if I do not hear from anyone, I will “Surthrive” In the voice of my own self !

WysButterfliesonIcepoem2005 with simplicitycardThe Poem is “Butterflies on Ice”

I see your wings through the ice

I dream of the time when you are free

The spirit of freedom has a price But God will shine a light to see

Yes I know that butterflies will emerge

And we will watch them move through the air

so that it will soon just be a memory to share

of the winter season when butterflies were on ice.IMG_1618