Day Seven of The Next Ten days: Framing Revelation and Revival

My HoneySi and I spent most of our day in Collierville BMH as we continue this journey toward wellness.  As I sat there waiting, I started to think about a statement from my husband about his experience of not being able to breathe. He said as he was shouting that he could not breathe, twelve windows came into view and he was trying to find an opening to get air. When he returned after surgery, we discussed the  dream again and our windows of life are having to be framed with faith, hope, and love. This is revelation and revival.TishAJournalgift09232012

Taking One Day at the Time I Wake Up

Yes I am awake and I know it is 01:33, but I just finished taking care of my HoneySi at 12midnight. I have not been doing well to meet my goal of seventy two blog posts of 100 words since our ER , ICU and readmit to the hospital since October 5, 2017. One of the blogs I follow caught my eye because of my anxiety about my husband’s Kidney failure and starting Dialysis about three weeks ago. I am taking time to read and write as I realize how life is unpredictable. I must learn to use my days  and enjoy every precious moment.wp-image-1177093019

Sympathy And Sitting In The Front Pew

via Daily Prompt: Sympathy  

I am at the close of this September day. My family and friends have been very kind to call to offer sympathy because this is my GirlMic’s date of birth. She died two years ago on September 1, 2015 and they have called to encourage me and share pictures of the beautiful life she lived for fifty one years. I know offering sympathy is one of those times in life where words are never enough so I share this family picture to offer my sympathy to the many people who will find themselves sitting on the front pew.


The Chime Of Rhyme for the Time

There is a chime of rhyme as I am looking back in time. I would like to make these words rhyme as I look back at the past two years.  My writing is used to help me move forward while also remembering some special precious moments. I approach these words, chime, rhyme and time by pulling out the last two letters, me.  When I think of what blesses me, I use this visual of a painting by my grandgirl Patrice which hangs above my computer with the scripture from Proverbs 3:6. This message speaks to me and it sets me free. wp-image-1023757657jpeg.jpeg

Church Lurch: Fighting Distractions

I have to admit that I am distracted easily by how people react and respond in places where I find myself frequently. I have been praying for restoration and revival to start with my own soul and spirit. I was driving recently and asking the Lord to help me go in the right direction. I must say that I attended several churches in one weekend and when I looked at the prompt word lurch, the first word I thought of was church. I now pray daily for all connected churches , leaders and members to keep us free from church lurch.


Chosen Challenges: Unfurling Purpose

The Challenges of raising support for the Breast Cancer Walks  that I participate in  begins today. I like using the word unfurling as it describes a spread out or a shake out. I have been a card carrying American Cancer Society member since 2001 and I enjoy the experiences and events which allow me to see friends who are survivors, advocates  and volunteers. They are chosen to meet the challenges in the community. We all must encourage each other to move through situations to solutions and always know that we walk in purpose. We are chosen to meet all challenges unfurling.  IMG_1396

Prayers for Prickle & Pretentious People

Who are the people? These are the ones you watch very carefully as they are people with a sharp point and an agenda that causes distractions to  the  completion of  what God has purposed. Sometimes they are people who use their power and entitlement to keep us from making progress. It is important that we pray for their evil to be exposed by God.  We must continually protect our heart that causes us to become offended because we are in a spiritual war. This requires us to watch and pray. This is my midnight revelation and wisdom for day 21 of 40. IMG_0035

Barrier Breakthrough and Mountain Moving

Midnight Move in the Ministry : Reading the Aim for Change for the Sunday School Lesson and the Keep in Mind scripture. Acts 8:35 reads “Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.” I am focusing on coming out of situation and making a move for my wellness. There are many openings that God has placed before me which I have not entered. I now see that God does say no to keeping still when evidence of integrity and honesty are removed. I know that being uncomfortable is the first step to “barrier breakthrough.”IMG_2118

Chosen and Frozen: The Change Carousel

I think of the airport carousel when it is sitting still until there are bags placed on it and someone pushes the button to get it started. My spiritual analogy is that it is not always time to move even when I have been chosen. The frozen state of mind that I find my self, soul and spirit in is evidence of the need to find the right change carousel and place my baggage on it. I have to remember that every trip cannot be perfect but the final destination begins when I am unfrozen and the  chosen work completed.IMG_0003

Opening In The Skies: My Soul’s Doorway

I know I need to get these 100 words written from my self, soul and spirit before the end of the day. I find myself in this eleventh hour with much distress after praying for several things to be different.  The steady stream of news and the many trials and tribulations had pushed me down and then I looked up and saw this opening in the sky and an airplane flying through it. It was a revelation to me from the Lord about how He had given me the power to change my outlook to a doorway view of His grace.IMG_1245