WWOW: The First of the Future And The Last of The Past

I am in such a moment of meditation as I mourn the death of a friend so I am reading the Book of “Godly Happiness” as The PsalmsIMG_0046 so I will joyfully step on the Bridge of Beginning while enjoying the Sun , Moon Stars and Skies. This is the Work of my Creator and I call Him LORD.  “Psalm 100 “Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness : come before his presence with singing.

WWOW: A Decade of Devotion and Determination

I have been looking for a subtitle to use for one of my writings and I woke up with the word Determination buzzing in my brain.  I then went to my #blogs I follow and found an image of a butterfly which I have to reblog for Free Friday to keep it before me. I also remembered  the quote from a poem, “I am determined to be somebody some day.” I am convinced that today is that day to spend time writing.   This is my blessed beginning #photo101 and #Blogging101  images covered by change.

Wy's 12 Quarter miles /daily goals for 2015
Wy’s 12 Quarter miles /daily goals for 2015

WWOW: Taking Threes To The Third Level

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Weaving the Threads.”

I am very grateful for the three that I have. They are very different but they belong to me. I remember the day I first saw them so many years ago. When you ask me how many, I say three.

When I see three people standing close to each other, my imagination goes wild as I  try to figure out their relationship and fellowship status.

Three times I have tried to complete these three tasks and this year I believe that I am at the level I desired when I started three years ago..

WWOW! Why GramWy?

This week I was given the name of my great granddaughter even though she is still in the womb. My granddaughter gave me a “Save The Date” Card for the Baby Shower that had this beautiful name on it. After I had given this event and experience much thought, I decided that this unborn child would be the subject of a chapter in my Book, “The Skies of My Sixties” by virtue of the fact that she is my generation to come.  So If I had to find the #wpid-img_20150313_052509.jpgIMG_2082Photo101 that fits how I am feeling, it would be a page in the Bible I recently photographed up close. The title is: Psalm 1: The happiness of the Godly.

Brain Beware!

This is a 02:15 read and so I reblog for the future of Kirsten E. B

Cancer Domain

From the Physician’s Desk … Weekly Blog!

Don’t forget to visit … www.LegacyEducators.org and click on “Cancer Information”


MARCH  16-22 is Brain Awareness Week!

STOP! Think about all the responsibilities you have…then think about all the responsibilities of your brain…Hhmm. I am willing to bet that your personal responsibilities pales in comparison. The brain is themost complex part of the human body and the boss that runs the whole show.

Your brain weighs a fraction of your total body weight (only ~3 pounds), yet it is:

  • The seat of intelligence
  • Initiator of body movements
  • Interpreter of senses
  • Acquirerer of new knowledge
  • Controller of behavior…and so much more!

You should really take care of your body…and mind!

Recent commercials on brain games and brain training, may have some controversies, BUT they are so much better than sitting and watching TV all day – turning your brain to mush! Some studies…

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WWOW: Why Do I look for Butterflies?

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Whoa!.”

This morning I really did have a “Wellness” experience as I began to scan my Better Butterflies! Seven Sounds and Sights at http://www.wyswoods.wordpress.com One of the Bloggers I am following, http://www.ExpressingMyVision.wordpress.com had the perfect image for my Better Butterflies so I knew that God had heard my plea for help in getting some work done on my writing project. There is even a poem that shines brightly in my vision so my wings are swaying for my visionary voyage today.. I hope you will visit  BrendaButterflies&TenThings08262012and join me in my Zone.

Delicate Beauty

I am enjoying the view and vision of this beautiful brown Butterfly.

Expressing my vision

From Cocoon forth a Butterfly by Emily Dickinson

From Cocoon forth a Butterfly

As Lady from her Door

Emerged—a Summer Afternoon—

Repairing Everywhere—

Without Design—that I could trace

Except to stray abroad

On Miscellaneous Enterprise

The Clovers—understood—

Her pretty Parasol be seen

Contracting in a Field

Where Men made Hay—

Then struggling hard

With an opposing Cloud—

Where Parties—Phantom as Herself—

To Nowhere—seemed to go

In purposeless Circumference—

As ’twere a Tropic Show—

And notwithstanding Bee—that worked—

And Flower—that zealous blew—

This Audience of Idleness

Disdained them, from the Sky—

Till Sundown crept—a steady Tide—

And Men that made the Hay—

And Afternoon—and Butterfly—

Extinguished—in the Sea—

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WWOW: The End of Winter And A Brighter Day Ahead

IMG_0022Today I am sitting inside watching Spring slide into existence and since I had a picture from the Winter Sun this week and will not be getting one today because of the rain, I share what God has given me because I believe that the Sun will come out tomorrow. This is a #WysWaysofWellness  PSA for a brighter day.