The Beginning of Being Better

I woke up imagining what I needed to focus on to make today better than yesterday. I read some scriptures and prayed for family and friends who are hurting.  The problems of yesterday I knew I needed to push down under a praise for today. This is when I realized that I was in the place of better beginning 72 and I would be the one who benefited through Jesus Christ my Healer and Savior. I can only imagine what I can do for others today just to send a Hallelujah and a Happy day salute to the best beginning.

Uniform Distractions to Declutter

via Daily Prompt: Uniform   I looked at my plans for today to clean out my uniform closet. I have been met with more distractions than I could ever have imagined. I received a call that a charity would pick up items that I wanted give away. If you have read any of my seven situations series, you already know that I gave up my RN license after 50 years, so I thought this would be a good time to give away my uniforms. There are too many memories in my closet. Here is a picture of my last white uniform. 20170605_122305

Devotional PrayerLine6am: Finding Light and Love

Sometimes you will see yourself through a light you have not noticed before. I did this recently as I sat in a very familiar place and pew. I was praying as I listened to the choir sing “Holy Spirit Fall down”  The life lesson for me is that prayers are conversations that challenge me to speak love. The light comes from different sources and the importance of knowing which one needs to be turned on or off is the answer to my prayer. This is given by the Lord’s Light shining when the Holy Spirit comforts me and shines in my self and soul.

Daily Prompt: Imaginary Individuals

via Daily Prompt: Imaginary  I attended a workshop , “Rediscovering God’s Economy: There Is Enough, If We Share It” 20170603_233055_Burst01and I needed to complete my one hundred words for today. I woke up after a short sleep session and realized that I was on the edge of Pentecost Sunday and I wanted to write a note that would show that Memphis Theological Seminary had been a benefactor to present this information.  One of the main things I heard was, “Do not try to do everything without help.”  This jar of peanuts is an illustrative sermon about not being an imaginary individual.

Daily Prompt: Brassy Lighted Butterflies

via Daily Prompt: Brassy  The wall I chose for this writing is full of brass like materials with butterflies. I am remembering the word about how the light  brings a different reaction when we move from darkness. I am committed to making some changes as I move forward in this season . This prompt challenged me to look around and what I found was a revelation about how I blessed I am today. I participated in the Celebration of Life for one of my church sisters by reading  Psalm 27 because I know that “The Lord is my Light and my Salvation.”20170602_153937_Burst01

Daily Prompt: Portion: When People Meet

IMG_1136via Daily Prompt: Portion  When people meet, they come with many stories inside of them. I share this picture because I  met this beautiful May lady of grace and family. We are both celebrating  our # 72.  We spent a portion of my “Celebration Memories” fundraiser and she and her family gave a donation after our meeting less than thirty minutes. I wanted to write and give a testimony of how the Lord positions people to come together and form a bond of purpose. Mrs B. Isom and family poured into the memories and passion of a stranger to make a difference.