Daily Prompt: Underground for WWOW

What happens underground will soon push through to be found. I was attending our intercessory prayer meeting on Saturday and this perfect picture came through. One of the members was taking care of the flowers. I have been walking by these flowers for years and to see her in the ministry of caring for the grounds, I got a new revelation. God starts our growth in ministry underground. We must all be receptive that even when we can not see the beauty, it is in place. I thank God for these words to give me WWOW!BK and the ministry of earth tending10222016via Daily Prompt: Underground

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WysJoyFul Company Ministering Speaker, Host Wy's Ways of Wellness Radio blogtalk with focus on Wellness Awareness and EOL/ QOL with grief situations and Cancer Care Communications for National Patient Advocacy, Tennessee Cancer Coalition and Memphis Breast Cancer Coalition. Retired RN after 50 years now a Caregiver for family member.